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A Brief History Of Cochin Community Players

The first production, of Agatha Christie's "The Rats" in December 1996, was a modest affair. Betty Ternier Daniels directed a cast of four--Charlotte Lockwood Baker, Bill Baker, Doug Daniels and Jean Reader. They were joined by Roy Challis of Battlefords Community Players, who contributed a reading of Ken Mitchell's "The Great Electrical Revolution." With the assistance of Bill Reader, the director and cast did everything from build the set (with flats and a portable stage lent by Battlefords Community Players) to run sound and lights. Cheryl and Rick Rann catered the dinner theatre production, which ran for two nights.

During the following years, the club steadily continued to grow. People from surrounding communities joined local members, productions increased to two a year, audiences grew to keep pace with additional performances, and the club expanded its mandate. Initially an off-shoot of Cochin Community Club, Cochin Community Players (CCP) soon became an independent organization affiliated with Theatre Saskatchewan. Marilynne Earl became the first executive producer. The club hosted two Art in the Garden events and a Valentine Day dinner & dance, and organized entertainment for Cochin Days. Under the leadership of Doug Daniels and Bill Readers it embarked on a major renovation of its performance space, transforming a bingo hall into a charming theatre. The club premiered two plays by Betty Ternier Daniels, and toured with its locally-written variety shows, "The Dirt on Gardening" and "More Dirt on Gardening."

Cochin Community Players continues to grow and to change. New members join as old members die, retire or move away. People take on new responsibilities. Performance and storage facilities improve. And the club takes on new challenges as it continues to provide community theatre for Cochin and the surrounding area.

Our Team

Cochin Community Players Board of Directors is comprised of a group of individuals with a passion for the performing arts, and strive to maintain the level of professionalism and quality that our audience members have come to love.

Over the years Carol has been script assistant, stage manager, assistant producer, producer and box office manager.

Carol Carlson


Betty is a founding member of the group and has directed many of Cochin Community Players' shows over the years




Lia Coppolla


Charlotte has been involved in Cochin Community Players as an actor, assistant director, and stage manager, in a number of plays since her return. 

Charlotte Lockwood-Baker

Bill Baker

Bill Baker

Board Member

Gregory Kwong

Donna Slowski

Board Member

Lia Coppola

Betty Avery

Board Member

Danielle Barrett

Board Member

Danielle Barrett

Clint Barrett

Clint Barrett


Craig Watters

Craig Watters

Board Member

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