Past Shows:
Spring -"Looking" by Norm Foster - Directed by Clint Barrett
Christmas - "Perfect Wedding" by Robin Hawdon - Directed by Tanya Montoya
Spring -"Money Matters" by Michael and Susan Parker - Directed by Tanya Montoya
Christmas - "The Cemetery Club" by Ivan Menchell - Directed by Jim Walls
Christmas - "Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect" by Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore - Directed by Danielle Barrett
Covid Break
Spring -"Unnecessary Farce" by Paul Slade Smith - Directed by Clint Barrett
Christmas - "Sex Please We're Sixty" by Michael and Susan Parker - Directed by Candis Kirkpatrick-Miller
​Spring - "The Ladies Foursome" by Norm Foster - Directed by Fraser Glen
Christmas - "Two Witches, No Waiting" by Pat Cook - Directed by John Dyck
Spring - "Hilda's Yard" by Norm Foster - Directed by Fraser Glen
Christmas - "Drinking Habits 2" by Tom Smith - Directed by Roxanne Irvine
Spring 2016 - "Things My Mother Taught Me" by Katherine DiSavino - directed by Lloyd Deshaye
Christmas - "Drinking Habits" by Tom Smith - Directed by Lynda Lyon-Walls
Spring 2015 - "The Foursome" by Jackson Davies – directed by Linda Jones
Christmas 2015 - "37 Postcards" by Michael McKeever – directed by Linda Jacobson
Spring 2014 - "Death and Taxes" by Pat Cook – directed by Roxanne Irvine
Christmas 2014 - "Subject to Change" by Jules Tasca – directed by Linda Jones
Spring: Norm Foster’s "Jenny’s House of Joy" dir. Jim Walls and Lynda Lyon Walls
Special Spring Production: Lee Ann Menogue’s "Bloom" dir Betty Ternier Daniels
Fall One Act: Betty Ternier Daniels’ "A Grain of Truth" dir Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Joe DiPietro’s "Over the River and Through the Woods" dir Lloyd Deshaye
Christmas: Marshall Karp’s "Squabbles" dir. by Roxanne Irvine
Spring: Katherine DiSavino’s "Nana’s Naughty Knickers" dir. Linda Jones
Spring: Norm Foster’s "Sadie Flyn Comes to Big Oak" dir. Roxanne Irvine
Christmas: Woody Allen’s "Don’t Drink the Water" dir. Jim Walls
Spring: Norm Foster’s Opening Night, directed by Lloyd DeShaye
Christmas: Jack Starkey’s "Sorry Wrong Chimney" dir. Linda Jones
Christmas: Fred Carmichael’s Murder is a Game, dir. Roxanne Irving
Spring: Jack Sharkey’s The Murder Room, dir. Linda Jones
Christmas: Susan Turlish’s Lafferty’s Wake, dir. Jim Walls
Spring: Fred Carmichael’s Murder on the Rerun, dir. Linda Jones
Christmas: Derek Benfield’s Flying Feathers, dir. Lynn Doll
​Spring: Robert Harling’s Steel Magnolias, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Nikki Harmon’s Murder Most Fouled-Up, dir. B. Ternier Daniels
Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s The Mysterious Affair at Marlborough Manor, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jnr’s They Came from Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Avenue Church Hall in Time for the Townswomen’s Guild’s Coffee Morning, dir. Lynn Doll
Spring, Ron Osborne’s Seeing Stars in Dixie, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Rick Abbot’s Play On!, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s Playing Murder, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Philip King’s I’ll Get My Man, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
​Spring: David Campton’s “Cards, Cups and Crystal Ball,” dir. Doug Daniels and Susan Glaspell’s “Suppressed Desires,” dir. Lynn Doll
Christmas: David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jnr’s The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild’s Production of A Christmas Carol, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s “More Dirt on Gardening: A Horticultural Revue,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels; Norm Foster’s “The Visit,” dir. Lynn Doll; and, Rose Scollard’s “Tooth or Dare,” dir. Jean Reader
Christmas: Jules Tasca’s Subject to Change, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
​Spring: Norah Harding’s This Year, Next Year, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Allan Stratton’s Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
June: Betty Ternier Daniels’s “The Dirt on Gardening: A Horticultural Revue”
​Spring: Monk Ferris’s Let’s Murder Marsha, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Peter Coke’s Breath of Spring, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Spring: Peter Coke’s Fool’s Paradise, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple (Female Version), dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Spring: Colleen Curran’s Cake-Walk, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Carol Mack’s “Half-Time at Halcyon Days,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels
Christmas: Agatha Christie’s “The Rats,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels