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Past Shows:


  • Spring -"Looking" by Norm Foster - Directed by Clint Barrett

  • Christmas - "Perfect Wedding" by Robin Hawdon - Directed by Tanya Montoya




  • Spring -"Money Matters" by Michael and Susan Parker - Directed by Tanya Montoya

  • Christmas - "The Cemetery Club" by Ivan Menchell - Directed by Jim Walls




  • Christmas - "Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect" by Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore - Directed by Danielle Barrett



  • Covid Break



  • Spring -"Unnecessary Farce" by Paul Slade Smith - Directed by Clint Barrett

  • Christmas - "Sex Please We're Sixty" by Michael and Susan Parker - Directed by Candis Kirkpatrick-Miller



  • ​Spring - "The Ladies Foursome" by Norm Foster - Directed by Fraser Glen 

  • Christmas - "Two Witches, No Waiting" by Pat Cook - Directed by John Dyck



  • Spring - "Hilda's Yard" by Norm Foster - Directed by Fraser Glen

  • Christmas - "Drinking Habits 2" by Tom Smith - Directed by Roxanne Irvine



  • Spring 2016 - "Things My Mother Taught Me" by Katherine DiSavino - directed by Lloyd Deshaye

  • Christmas - "Drinking Habits" by Tom Smith - Directed by Lynda Lyon-Walls



  • Spring 2015 - "The Foursome" by Jackson Davies – directed by Linda Jones

  • Christmas 2015 - "37 Postcards" by Michael McKeever – directed by Linda Jacobson



  • Spring 2014 - "Death and Taxes" by Pat Cook – directed by Roxanne Irvine

  • Christmas 2014 - "Subject to Change" by Jules Tasca – directed by Linda Jones



  • Spring: Norm Foster’s "Jenny’s House of Joy" dir. Jim Walls and Lynda Lyon Walls

  • Special Spring Production: Lee Ann Menogue’s "Bloom" dir Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Fall One Act: Betty Ternier Daniels’ "A Grain of Truth" dir Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Christmas: Joe DiPietro’s "Over the River and Through the Woods" dir Lloyd Deshaye


  • Christmas: Marshall Karp’s "Squabbles" dir. by Roxanne Irvine

  • Spring: Katherine DiSavino’s "Nana’s Naughty Knickers" dir. Linda Jones


  • Spring: Norm Foster’s "Sadie Flyn Comes to Big Oak" dir. Roxanne Irvine

  • Christmas: Woody Allen’s "Don’t Drink the Water" dir. Jim Walls


  • Spring: Norm Foster’s Opening Night, directed by Lloyd DeShaye

  • Christmas: Jack Starkey’s "Sorry Wrong Chimney" dir. Linda Jones


  • Christmas: Fred Carmichael’s Murder is a Game, dir. Roxanne Irving

  • Spring: Jack Sharkey’s The Murder Room, dir. Linda Jones


  • Christmas: Susan Turlish’s Lafferty’s Wake, dir. Jim Walls

  • Spring: Fred Carmichael’s Murder on the Rerun, dir. Linda Jones


  • Christmas:  Derek Benfield’s Flying Feathers, dir. Lynn Doll

  • ​Spring: Robert Harling’s Steel Magnolias, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Nikki Harmon’s Murder Most Fouled-Up, dir. B. Ternier Daniels

  • Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s The Mysterious Affair at Marlborough Manor, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jnr’s They Came from Mars and Landed Outside the Farndale Avenue Church Hall in Time for the Townswomen’s Guild’s Coffee Morning, dir. Lynn Doll

  • Spring, Ron Osborne’s Seeing Stars in Dixie, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Rick Abbot’s Play On!, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s Playing Murder, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Philip King’s  I’ll Get My Man, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • ​Spring: David Campton’s “Cards, Cups and Crystal Ball,” dir. Doug Daniels and Susan Glaspell’s “Suppressed Desires,” dir. Lynn Doll


  • Christmas: David McGillivray & Walter Zerlin Jnr’s  The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild’s Production of A Christmas Carol, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Spring: Betty Ternier Daniels’s “More Dirt on Gardening: A Horticultural Revue,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels; Norm Foster’s “The Visit,” dir. Lynn Doll; and, Rose Scollard’s “Tooth or Dare,” dir. Jean Reader


  • Christmas: Jules Tasca’s Subject to Change, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • ​Spring: Norah Harding’s This Year, Next Year, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Allan Stratton’s Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • June: Betty Ternier Daniels’s “The Dirt on Gardening: A Horticultural Revue”

  • ​Spring: Monk Ferris’s Let’s Murder Marsha, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Peter Coke’s Breath of Spring, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Spring: Peter Coke’s Fool’s Paradise, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple (Female Version), dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

  • Spring: Colleen Curran’s Cake-Walk, dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Carol Mack’s “Half-Time at Halcyon Days,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels


  • Christmas: Agatha Christie’s “The Rats,” dir. Betty Ternier Daniels

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